MarketInsightNewsletterofMemory,CPU,HDDfromQuiksol-Apr-23_当前速看 - 综合 -

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2023-04-25 15:41:39 来源:面包芯语

Dear valued customers and vendors, welcome to the Market Insights-Newsletter from Quiksol that delivers timely and relevant market intelligence reports from the electronics supply chain industry. We hope you could find this Market Insights valuable, and we’d love to get your feedback at

Brands:Micron, Samsung, Hynix, Nanya, Kioxia, MXIC, Winbond, CPU, HDD


1. Memory chippricesstopped falling after China Launches Cybersecurity Review AgainstMicron and Samsung cuts memory chip production.

2. The Flashmarket is in the downgrade with weak demand.

3. The priceof Dram and module has reached stabilization and the market may turn around.

4. Thedemand for Intel LAN chips is low, and the price is presently inverted down.

5. TheCPU inventory is overstocked and most of the OEMs are dumping CPU products.

6. Theoverall supply of Intel server CPUs is stable, and the demand for some partshas increased.

7. HDDshipments showed an overall downward trend, with the main shipmentsconcentrated in enterprise-level large-capacity hard disks.

1. Memory chippricesstopped falling after China Launches CybersecurityReview Against Micron and Samsung cuts memory chip production

China"s cyberspace authority is commencinga review of products sold in the Chinese market by Micron to ensure supplychain security for key information infrastructure and to ward off cybersecurityrisks. According to the upstream channel news: Micron shipment has not beenaffected, and the subsequent impact of this is not clear at present. Theconcern among industry insiders is whether our national brands will be theultimate beneficiaries. But given the low market share of domestic memorychips, it is also possible that Japanese and South Korean memory chips will bethe ultimate beneficiaries. And the industry giant Samsung announced productioncuts this month, which is a positive for the storage market after more than ayear of downward trends. Samsung is said to have stopped underpricing andlimiting shipments and may raise prices next month. Atpresent, consumer demand is still not good, but the demand for data centers,the Internet of things, AI artificial intelligence and other demand picked upslightly. The small rise may have prompted traders to stock up, but whetherprices can really stop falling still depends on market demand, and temporaryfluctuations do not mean that demand really improves.

2. The Flash market is in thedowngrade with weak demand

The key consumer markets of PCS, smartphones andservers have yet to see a significant recovery in demand. Flash memory priceshave no further to fall. For Kioxia and SkyHigh, Nand Flash prices began tostabilize in Q2, but demand remained weak. For Cypress Nor Flash,demand is focused on automotive and small capacity chips. Winbond, general 128Mprice has fallen to $0.30, but demand is not improving. MXIC price is stillstable slightly down.

3. The price of Dram andmodule has reached stabilization and the market may turn around

Recently, the original storage factory tried to raisethe price, but from the perspective of the transaction price, the marketacceptance is not high, so the price is still stable. Thedepressed market still needs to wait for the big demand drive. As Samsung, Micron and Hynix cut production, DRAM prices haverebounded slightly recently. But the actual transaction price did not rise, andthe effect of the production cut is not obvious in the short term. It"sstill a buyer"s market. Currently the price of major memory brands is similar,with DDR3 priced around US$0.95 for 2Gb and US$1.05 for 4Gb. Manufactures arestill under inventory pressure, and their willingness to sell is strong. Priceshave reached the point where they cannot fall, but it is doubtful whether theywill find a bottom.

In terms of memorymodules, there is a shortage of PC modules and DDR5 modules. Due to the continuous decline in the market, traders have been moreconservative in the past year, resulting in most of the inventory backlog inthe original factory upstream. Recently, due to the emergence of some demand,the market spot inventory prices pulled up, which is rare in the year-long downmarket. Due to the manufacturer"s reasons, many orders for DDR5 memory moduleshave been delayed, causing a shortage in the market and pushing up the marketprice. But whether there is a real upturn depends on real demand.

The IOTG product Ethernet Controller whichbecame a hot part in the past 1 year, has finally been put on hold recently. Thegoods from Intel manufactory have come out one after another, the big OEMcustomers and FDs also have got the goods ordered before. However, since Intelraised the official price at the beginning of October, most of the order pricesof LAN chips were higher, but the accepted price of the customers was stillvery low. Recently, also due to the demand is weak,leading to some of the previous red material items prices have fallen again andagain. The price of most items from FD side is higher than the market price.For example, the item NHI350AM4, FD channel price is US$28, but the marketorder price is US$25 around. Recently the shortage item most focus on H510, thenormal price of this item is US$21, but now the customer has big quantitydemand, so the market price raising up to US$29 even more than that, howeverthe customer TP is keep around US$25.

5. The CPU inventory isoverstocked and most of the OEMs are dumping CPU products

In terms of CPU, the overall demand isrelatively weak, and the PC market is in a loss shipment state in a state of loss-making shipments, whether it is a mainstream model CPU or some old models of CPU, the price has been falling. ServerCPU prices are also falling all the way down, there aresome Stockholders who are clearing inventory. Overall, from last year to thisyear, many factories have overstock, in order to recover funds, they offeredmany stocks to the market. For the notebook and embedded CPU, the pieceof the market is relatively slightly active, whether it is EOL or some newpopular items, the market has many orders. Like i5-1135G7, the customer demandis large, the supply situation is relatively stable, some of the goods are frommajor OEM manufacturers, the price is relatively better than the channel.However, compared with some old models, such as I5-7200U and I5-7300U, Intelhas cancelled the special price of these old items. Moreover, the delivery timeof these orders now will be longer, which will take 3-4 weeks, and the pricewill remain high.

6. Theoverall supply of Intel server CPUs is stable, and the demand for some partshas increased

Recently we can see that the demand for theserver CPU has increased recently, but the actual order rate is still very low.In general, the supply of the servermarket is relatively stable. The mainstream models4210, 4210R, are relatively stable at present, and the prices have dropped slightly and gradually stabilized. Severalpopular models are still out of stock such as 4310, 4316, 4314, D-1527, E2176, E2124GD-1527, E2176G, etc. XEON-D series CPUs have always been out of stock.Some uncommon items of the XEON series also lack stocks, the lead time fromIntel would be very long.

7. HDDshipments showed an overall downward trend, with the main shipmentsconcentrated in enterprise-level large-capacity hard disks.

The first quarter of 2023 has passed,and from the overall of the HDD shipments have been showing a downward trend. From theperspective of the supply side, enterprise-grade HDD remained relativelystable, although the recent enterprise HDD, monitoring HDD, mobile HDD havebeen shipped, but the most shipment of HDD is still concentrated in thelarge-capacity enterprise level, especially 12TB, 16TB & 18TB. The price isrelatively stable. The shipping price of 16TB is about US$215, and the shipping price of 18TB isabout US$260. There are also more shipments of other capacities below 10TB, suchas 4TB, 6TB, and 8TB are being shipped one after another. Colleagues in needcan discuss in detail. Seagate 8TB, 12TB and 16TB capacity HDD, we have goodchannels, sufficient supply, beautiful price, customers with demand welcome toinquire.

If you want to have business with us,pleasecontact ourdisty sales:

Mr. Zhang

86-183 6275 0919

Ms. Yang

Ms. Yao

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(Copyright by Quiksol,welcome to reprint, please indicate the source)

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